Monday, July 11, 2011

Tips To Have Dazzling Smile

Tattoos are widely popular amongst the young generation as these represent uniqueness in the new fashion experiments. Along with body tattoos, dental tattoos are the next big thing to make a splash. The design placed on your tooth ensures that your smile is never the same again. Using dental tattoos you can deck up your tooth with anything from painting to a crystal studded dragon. Here are some tips that can help you have a perfect tooth tattoo.
  1. You can go for a permanent tattoo or a temporary one. If you are not so adventurous then temporary tattoos are the best option. These tattoos last for few weeks, some months or even for couple of years. Angles, butterflies and flowers are mostly liked by women where as dragon and insects are for men.
  2. Temporary tattoos take a shorter time to fix as the procedure simply involves sticker being pasted to the tooth with a solution but in case of permanent tattoos it takes  quite a few sittings. In case of permanent tattoos first the tooth is measured, after which an artificial tooth is created in the laboratory. In the next sitting the natural tooth is chipped allover and then replaced by the artificial new tooth. Permanent tattoos can cause some occasional sensitivity, thus you must only plan to have permanent tattoos when your tooth is infected.
  3. If you wish to get a dental tattoo then it is always best to look out for a cosmetic dentist who has experience in the field. Since there is no course available for dental tattooing, doctors follow their own style and techniques that they have gathered over the years. You can collect referrals of dental lab from your family and friends. After collecting referrals you should inquire about their quality of work.
  4. The size and intricacy of tattoos, determine its cost of tattooing. You must select artwork that is large enough to cover your tooth. Smaller artworks are also fine but ensure that it does not have a lot of detail.
  5. If you want to downplay the left side of your face then tattoo your tooth on the right side or other way round.
Regular dental check-ups will keep your tattoos new and shiny; and will also keep the smille sparkling forever.

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