We always discuss about snoring problems and how a snorer disturbs the other persons sleep. There is always a hot debate as why people snore? How snoring can be avoided? But how many of us actually try to know or understand how a snorer must be feeling amidst all then. He or she is the person behind all discussion, ridicule and fun. We hardly realize or try to feel what he might be going through. It is the human tendency to assume that the snorer faces no trouble, because he is the one who is sleeping comfortably through out the night. What does he face? It is the ordeal and trauma of the partner who is spending sleepless nights.
A snore is always made fun of and so is the snorer. People show open dislike to the snoring and are often reluctant to sleep with the snorer. How does it feel? Ask anyone who snores and has been through such experiences. This happens especially with the elderly who snore. Age, brings with it many kinds of ailments. Elderly people often remain dejected and depressed psychologically and God forbid if they snore, life becomes truly difficult for them. I have seen men become worried about their snoring habits. They know the kind of harm their snoring habits may be causing to their family. Many times they realize that their family life is getting ruined. Day after day, their spouse is sleeping in another room, separate and alone. Snorer starts feeling dejected and neglected. He starts feeling lonely.
The question that haunts the mind of the snorer is ‘Why do I snore?’ They keep looking for this one single answer. They start believing that their key to happiness is the answer to this question. Doctors, who treat such patients, will tell you about the desperation in the minds of these snorers. How they keep asking why they snore and what they can do about them? Is there any solution?
If you visit a doctor and ask him this question, he will come up with several answers. A person snores due to several reasons. There are some reasons which are within his control and some reasons that are beyond their control. When a patient asks the doctor, the reason behind his snoring, the doctor explains in details and very patiently. He explains that this is curable and can be treated as well. Those factors which can be treated are worked upon- at least you can get a relief for some time. Some factors that have been attributed to snoring can be described as genetic, that is inherited features from parents and grandparents that cause snoring. You really can’t do anything about this. Other factors that might be responsible for snoring are obesity, too much alcoholic drinks, rich food, sleeping style and medications. In any of these cases, there is a solution. Exercises, change in lifestyle and motivation can be a solution to any of these problems. You just need to know what is to be done and how to be done.
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