Obesity is a condition where excess body fat affects your child’s health and his well-being. It is a serious health issue which can lead your child to some life threatening diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep problems and sometimes even cancer and other disorders. Children facing obesity lose their self-esteem and start feeling depressed as often, they suffer teasing from their peer.
You can avoid the problem of obesity by making some changes in your child’s daily routine. You must make sure that plenty of green vegetables, fruits and whole grains are added to your child’s diet. Food like sweets, alliterated drinks and junks like burgers pastries and fries should be avoided. Protein rich food should be reduced. Instead you can introduce your child to low fat dairy products that can help in avoiding obesity. Nowadays children also face the problem of obesity because of very less physical exercise. The children of this modern age normally watch television or play video games. They should be motivated towards more physical activities like sports or other physical educational classes. Swimming, yoga and aerobics are the few physical exercises that the children can do to avoid obesity.
Snacking has become the main eating style among the children nowadays. The best way to get rid of childhood obesity is to make improvement in your child’s diet and eating habits. You should encourage your child to have a variety of nutritious food. Starchy foods are filling, nutritious and they also contain a large amount of carbohydrates. You can introduce your child to food like bread, rice and pasta, as they are rich in carbohydrates. You should feed your child in smaller quantity but in regular frequency because your child will not be able to digest as much fiber as older children. Try to limit the intake of chocolates, biscuits, cakes and other sugary food that your child prefers. Replace these with something that is healthier and tasty. Try and replace your child’s favorite fizzy drinks with fresh fruit juice and milk. Introduce your child to a healthy breakfast, with cereal, fruits and yogurt.
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